Thursday, February 16, 2012

Traditional Cart Workshop in Sarchi

This place was really a factory where they still make traditional carts and paint them decoratively. Since I have posted pictures of the carts before, I took pictures of chairs painted in some of the traditional designs.

Pretty red painted bench.

Out back where they actually work with the wood. The big orange thing to the right was covering a water wheel that powed all the machinery.

Another bench painted with some of the birds of Costa Rica.

Laurie enjoyed trying out one of the chairs. On his lap was my purchase of the day, a really pretty T shirt with a real mola on it. Molas are the colorful multilayered fabrics worked by the Cuna Indians of the San Blas Islands, off the coast of Panama where Laurie spent some of his time as a young missionary. I'll show you a picture of it sometime later.

More examples of the decorative painting on the building. The birds with the large bills are the Toucans. There are many different kinds of Toucans. Along the sides are the tole-like designs.

I think these birds are the Quetzals, that are supposed to be some of the most beautiful birds of Costa Rica, but are also some of the most elusive.
Posted by PicasaMore bird paintings on the building. I actually also bought a tiny replica of one of the carts. I got one in red especially so I could use it as a Christmas decoration.

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