Monday, February 27, 2012

New Favorite Breakfast

Remember the chocolate granola that sounded like such a good idea so I made some and you all liked it? Well how about chocolate oatmeal? Doesn't that sound like a good idea? It turned out great. Just make your serving of oatmeal in the microwave like you would usually do. Add cocoa, remember that cocoa is only 10 calories per tablespoon, and sweetener. Then add the milk to cool it off and put in a small handfull of chocolate chips and some slivered almonds for crunch.

Posted by PicasaA great breakfast, and if you want more crunch, add a little granola. It's like chocolate chocolate chip cookies in a bowl. What could be better!


Angela said...

Sounds tasty Mom! I had some hot 10-grain ceral for breakfast, but with the old stand by of honey and brown sugar to sweeten it. I might have to try this.

pam said...

Ang, Did you get your computer fixed? Or get a new one?

pam said...

Ang, Did you get your computer fixed? Or get a new one?