Sunday, February 5, 2012

Parque Manuel Antonio

One of the first critters we saw upon entering the park. It is somekind of a sloth, kind of hanging in a tree. They are very slow moving animals but appear to be quite big. It could be more than one cuddling together. But at least you can see that it has quite long and sharp claws. It looks like there are three claws on the paw that is visible so maybe it is a three toed sloth.

These are some large birds flying over head. They are probably some kind of vulture.

These are the capuchin monkeys found in the trees close to the beach. They say you have to be careful or they will steal your backpacks, lunches, etc. They are quite entertaining and seem to enjoy having their pictures taken.

Another capuchin monkey.

Another monkey
Another monkey. I couldn't resist taking pictures of them.

Monkeys after the coconuts.

This is a coati, a racoon like animal, and it appears that he stole a bag of fruit from somebody's lunch and is enjoying it. We saw a whole colony of these at the end of the hike at La Paz. You are not supposed to intentionally feed the animals here, in fact they tell you to take precautions so they won't steal your food.

Lizard, I don't know what type.

There were some guides there and they called these birds Woodstorks.

This looks like some kind of a hawk.

Laurie spotted this bird and the book called it a type of heron. You can see that it has long legs like the white ones.
Another lizard.Posted by Picasa


Angela said...

Hopefully you didn't loose anything to the pick-pocketing monkeys!

pam said...

We were pretty careful because the guidebooks tell you to be. Laurie tied down his backpack when he went in the water! I guess he didn't trust me to guard it for him.