Monday, June 4, 2012

Natural Geothermals

We did a hike through a park called Rincon de la Vieja. There are some features kind of like Yellowstone. This is steam coming up out of a vent in the earth.
Bubbling mud pots.
More bubbling mud pots.
Boiling water.
More bubbling mud.
There is a big thermal energy plant close to the park. They collect this steam coming naturally out of the earth and use it to turn turbines to produce electricity.
There were quite a few of these huge pipes to move the steam to the turbines.
We went "swimming"in the hot springs. I put the quotation marks around the work swimming, because we weren't really swimming, just lazing around in the hot water.
These hot springs were a little more rustic than the ones we went to at Baldi when the Bagleys and Austin were here. We needed to wear our flip flops as it was rocky and slippery on the bottom. This particular pool was just right temperature wise. The one over the back wall to the left was a lot hotter. And there were several pools on the other side of the bridge. You could also have volcanic mud painted onto your body, but I didn't do it as I didn't see the point.
The suspension bridge we had to cross to get to the above pools. This was quite a shaky bridge. The sign said no more than 2 persons on the bridge at one time. I liked it best when I was alone on the bridge!
Near the entrance to the hot springs, we saw a tree full of monkeys. They didn't cooperate with my trying to take their pictures as they were constantly moving and it takes a while to focus my camera.
But I did get a couple of shots where you can at least make out the monkeys.
Another steam vent. The hike to this place was not easy. Glad to have my new trecking pole! It had been raining and the clay parts were muddy. Also lots of rocks and roots, and it was up and down. But glad I made it as it was very interesting.
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1 comment:

Igor Zachary said...

Hello! These are absolutely amazing photos! My favourite is the bridge photo! Stunning!