Friday, June 29, 2012

Interesting sights on the trip to Tortuguero Beach

A green Iguana Lizard
A Green Heron
Tree Canopy over the road. These are huge Benjamin Ficus trees. This was a long trip on a bumpy, rocky road, but was the only way in to Tortuguero Beach. Like the road to Monte Verde, they don't want to pave it and make the trip easy, so as to keep down the number of tourists.
A Basilisk Lizard.
Trying to show more of his long tail. These lizards can "walk"on water.
Large Guanacaste tree with the spreading canopy.
There were African oil palm plantations on the east side of Costa Rica too.
This is part of our group of senior temple missionaries and the van we travelled in.
This is our whole group. I wish the girl who took the picture would have gotten it a little closer to the people and I would have told you a little about them. But I guess she wanted to get the concrete turtles into the picture and the canal in the background.
We left from the Marriott Hotel which is just down the street from us here in Belen. This is a display of candles that have coffee beans embedded into the wax so that as they burn, it smells like coffee. This whole area used to be coffee plantations and there are still some small growing areas in the neighborhood. I also loved the flower arrangements.
An old Spanish Colonial bench on display at the Marriott.
An old wooden trough probably used in the coffee processing.
An old carriage.
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1 comment:

Angela said...

Glad to see Dad has an ice cream bar. :)