Friday, September 14, 2007

Thought you might all enjoy this.

This reminds me of this. I've mentioned the one before elsewhere. They're aesthetically similar, of course, and while one is called "art" and the other an "ad", I think the titles are divisive of two things that should have the same heading.
Who knows, maybe the one inspired the other.


Richard said...

I love that Sony commercial. Jason showed it to me about a year ago. Initially I thought it was CG. I always love to see "real" effects that are that impressive. (Have you watched "the making of" portion? I think they used 250,000 bouncy balls). I don't know how the directors got permission to do it. I've got to think there were a lot of broken window and dinged cars as a result.

austinmcraig said...

The cars on the street were props. I have to imagine there were some "strays" though, and you even see damage happening in the video, only it happens in slow motion, and looks like art instead of destruction.

Emily said...

Have you seen the Bravia exploding paint ad? It's awesome.