Friday, May 11, 2007

Vintage Inspiration

Happy Mother's Day Mom!
I wanted to be the first to thank you for being the wonderful woman you are. If anyone asks who my inspiration is it's Pam Craig. Mom, you've always inspired me to not be afraid to try something new. Be it in the kitchen, wood shop (aka garage), with pen or paint, or my new found love the sewing machine. When I was in Utah mom was kind enough to loan me some fun, vintage pajamas that belonged to one of her many aunts (sorry Becky, don't remember who) Well, I've been in the market for some new jamas myself but haven't found just the right thing. So when I find myself in that predicament I do as my mother always said, "Oh Katie, I can make that" So make it I did! These are my new/vintage jamas. They are fully inspired by the pieced pajams mom loaned to me. The white part is an old pillow case that mom gave me. I don't know who it belonged to, but it's old and has great detailing on the bottom. The top and sides are fabrics designed by my new found friend Amy Butler (we've been emailing back and forth) I think the combination of the old and new is just fabulous. Now when I'm drifting off to sleep I feel like such a lady and not a frumpy mom in man-jamas. It makes for waking up in such a happy mood. I highly recommend it.
The picture of me and the boys is us getting a hay ride at a local farm. We got to hold baby chickens and see one that was just starting to hatch. Very Fun! Support your local farmer.


Emily said...

That's adorable, cg!

Nancy said...

So cute Kate, I'm loving them, can you come live by me and teach me?

Nancy said...

Okay so it took me a few hours to figure out that Katie was curly giley, I thought it was some weird random person commenting on Angela's post! Now I see that it's our weird random Kate.

Becky said...

Kaite, I love it. I love old mixed with new. Its like a wrinkle in time. Please, when the slings are making you big bucks and you need a new project, make some adorable feminine jammies and I'll buy them.