I was trying to find an old picture of Mom for this post and came across this. I love how beautiful Mom looks in this picture, and how it's very reminiscent of her personality; always ready and waiting to serve and help others. I don't know anyone more loving and serving than Mom. Maybe at times she should have put herself first, but she never did. I loved that mom was always at home when I returned from school. I loved that she tried to teach me to play the piano, cook, and sew, and that even if I refused to learn she loved me anyway. I love that any time I needed help with a school project (even if it was due the next day and I'd known about it for a month) Mom would stay up late with me and help me finish. And finish we did, I usually had the best school projects, and it was because of my creative mother.
I was in my kitchen painting the other day, with my apron on of course (because that's how my mom taught me) while my children were playing, and reminding myself so much of my mom. I think I don't know how to be any other way because that was the example my mom set for me.
Mom, I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you, and the gift that you truly are in my life. Anytime I set out to do something I think "now how would my mom do this?" And I try my best to follow your example. You are so kind, and loving, and patient with your imperfect daughter, I appreciate your presence in my life, and thank Heavenly Father for you every day. Happy Mother's Day Mom, I love you!
I think she looks kind of like Katie in the picutre. Where was it taken?
Dah! At the church. I looked a little closer this time.
I actually zoomed in close on this, but in the real photo Linda Rutter is in the background, kind of fun. I think she's playing for Becky and Karen Eagleston to sing, I seem to remember pictures of them at the same time, but don't have those in my posession.
I always loved that picture, too. I liked that my mom wore clothes that reflected her love of cultures though out the world and she looks extra pretty with her curly perm :)
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