Wednesday, May 9, 2007

An old Gypsy Tale

So Becky and I had some good conversations on our trip to and from Utah this past weekend. One thing that we talked about that has got me thinking is how time really does seem to go by faster the older you get. She said that an old gypsy once told her (really she didn't exactly talk to the gypsy first hand, but the person she talked to got this from an old gypsy, and hey this is my version of the story and that's how I like it) that you should think of time as a line from point A to point B. Point A being the beginning of your life and point B being the end. Anyway so you're traveling on this time line of your life and you should think of time being like a ray that goes from point B to A and back again, the older you get the less far the ray has to travel, and so time seems to go by faster. Does this make sense? Well it did to me. I just look at this picture, that is even out of date now, and can't believe that we are all grown up and raising children of our own. How fast time flies! I'm so grateful to have you all in my life and am glad that we can travel from point A to point B together. I appreciate the wonderful Aunts and Uncles, cousins and Grandparents that you are to my children. May we all live to be old gypsies together! (Hey Beck, how's that for pondering the universe?)

1 comment:

Becky said...

I knew you were a "closet ponderer"! Pondering. . . very Craigish. Check our family tree for gypsy blood.