Sunday, June 29, 2008

You're Invited!

Come one, come all to the 2008 Patio of Fire! This Saturday, July 5th at the Paysonna Amphitheatre (AKA the Ringer's Backyard) at 8:00pm. This years show features everybody's favorite garage band, Meels on Wheels, and includes a fly over, t-shirt launcher, raffle drawing with prize give-aways, and a totally legal fireworks show. Contact Brian or me if you need directions. See you there!


Nancy said...

I really am sad we won't be there. I secretly wish I was from small town America and had a big fourth of July party where all my friends and neighbors showed up every year and we had a grand old time. So next year I vow to live vicariously through Brian once again and attend! You have my word! Unless something better comes along...

pam said...

This year I am considering bringing chairs!