Saturday, June 14, 2008

We haven't figured this out yet

It should be obvious to all of you that Mom and I haven't figured this out yet, but, we did get some pictures scanned into the computer successfully and posted them on the blog. Now, the explanation. The first picture is Becky eating crawfish in Louisiana. I am not remembering when she went, I think the summer between her Jr. and Sr. year in HS. Opee was doing strange things and we decided that Becky might be able to help her. I think Becky stayed a month or six weeks and Opee had a grand time. Becky learned some of the ways of the south and got to know her grandmother better. The next picture is of our family together with Grandma and Grandpa Redd taken in Raymond in front of the school where Grandma taught music. The next one down is my parents at their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Opee and Opa had to get married secretely in 1935 so that Opee did not loose her job as a school teacher - it was the middle of the depression and if a female single school teacher got married she was dismissed. Boy, they would have trouble with that policy these days! Anyway, since they did not get to have a wedding celebration when they got married, Opee always felt cheated out of the big wedding she would like to have had as a young person so when they had their 50th anniversary, Opee had her big wedding celebration. She really "put on the dogs" as they say in the south (Opa gripped a little because it cost so much but he really enjoyed it. We went and they had lots and lots of their friends and relatives come - it was a big deal in a hotel ball room. The next one is a formal portrait of your Redd grandparents proably pretty much like most of you remember them - I'm guessing that it was taken in the mid to late 80's. The next one is a picture that was taken of my parents in Kuwait. This is in the living room of our home there (it was a very nice home that Opee had decorated) and the occassion is Opa's retirement from the Kuwait Oil Company after 16 years in Kuwait. It would have been made in about 1966. The next one is your Mom - isn't she beautiful - still is, but we were both commenting earlier today that it is nice to look forward to the ressurrection when will both be at our prime. The next black and white is Cadet Captain Craig of the Missouri Military Academy. This was my Senior Year Picture. I was there all four years of High School and was the commander of the Band Company my senior year. I had a saber and a very smart looking uniform - not quite my prime, but almost. The next one that is not a very good picture but is one that was taken in West Texas at my Aunt Muriel's. Your Mom and I were in route to Houston where Opee and Opa lived at the time for Christmas vaccation. I was a Sr. in Law School at the U and your mom was doing graduate work at BYU (actually, just taking fun classes that she enjoyed, while she continued to pursue me after I was released from the Army - I was more than a little slow so it is really a good thing that she continued the pursuit). I had asked your Mom to marry me about ten days earlier and she had said yes. We got officially engaged while in Houston - that is where I gave her a ring. Can you imagine me a lonely old bachelor if she had not nabbed me, and none of you would have been Craigs - wow! Think how different life might have been for the six of you if you had been assigned to another family - aren't we all really glad she was persistent! Becky, we hope that this does it for your Primary show and tell, but if you need something more or need these sent in some other fashion, let us know. As most all of you know, I have a new calling at the MTC - it is full time and then some. I spent about 50 hours there this last week, but I really enjoyed being helpful to Elders and Sisters resolving their problems. Maybe I can learn to be a little more brief in my interviews - but knowing me, that is not likely. Love, Dad


Becky said...

Awesome trip down memory land, Dad! I love so many of these pictures. I knew you had a new calling, but I don't know what it is. Are you a district president or a councilor or what? Anyway, a million thank yous for the pictures. They'll work great and everyone will get to enjoy them on the blog :)

Nancy said...

So fun to see and "hear" from you Dad, although I sure hope my prime wasn't in the family picture you posted! Yikes! Anyway very fun to see the pics and hear the memories, I think you should do a post like this monthly!