Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Austin and Angela!

Were you aware that for about the first three years of your lives we referred to you as the babies? I don't know why I remember that, but it's ingrained in my mind that you were our two babies long after you were actual babies, and now our babies are turning 25! What does that mean? That the rest of us are getting really old! Where would we be without our dear Austin and Angela, our family wouldn't be complete, that's for sure. Hope you're having a great day in your corner of the universe and can't wait to see you at the reunion! These cakes will have to tide you over until I can make yummier ones in person. Love and best Birthday wishes to you both!

A robot cake for Austin who is, after all, a whole fifteen minutes older than Angela!

And some jewel cakes for our very own J.Ewell Angela! Happy Birthday Ang!


Angela said...

Oooo, Ahhh, those petifores look amazing! I can't wait to see you too. Is it just me or is it taking forever for the family reunion to get here? Probably because I'm so excited to see everyone!

austinmcraig said...

Robot cake, you know the buttons to push. THANKS! See you at the reunion!