Monday, June 16, 2008

The sun is shinning!

Well it's mid-June and I think summer is finally here. I'm not sure what happened to Spring, but maybe we'll see her next's hoping! We had a nice visit in Bend Oregon a couple weeks ago with some friends of ours, although we never did get a group photo. Walker + Truman had fun playing with two little girls their age, Lily + Stella. I don't think I saw anyone fight the whole weekend. I think the kids really enjoyed one another's company. And Ben of course had the time of his life playing around outside. We went for a nice walk along the Deschutes River and even explored a "Lava Tube" It's this natural deep dark tunnel that goes for about a mile. It was really quite interesting

We've been working and expanding our garden. It looks like we may have another mole to catch. I told Walker the story of when I caught one a couple years ago and since then I've found him outside shoving the hose in any hole he can find. He's pretty determined but no mole yet.

Yesterday we came home from Church to find almost all of our corn plucked out and laying on the ground just withering in the sun. Who would have done this I asked? Not the crows, not the moles, not the neighborhood kids....but a BUNNY? Who know something so cute and fluffy could be so malicious! And to think they did it on the Sabbath, inexcusable! I guess they don't like corn but that doesn't mean they need to ruin it for the rest of us. Looks like I'll be needing a "live" trap.

After a good fishing test run in the local stockpiled lake (W caught 16 trout!), Walker got to go bobber fishing with Todd for Salmon. Todd is known for his salmon fishing skills. When other people are coming up empty handed Todd's still pulling them in. Well, not this year. The Salmon numbers have been significantly low this year and I think he was finally so bored he decided to talk Walker along. And wouldn't you know it they caught one! Todd said he didn't see anyone else catch any the whole day. Walker couldn't believe how big this one was. And the spring salmon are some of the best you'll ever eat. They have extra fat and that means extra omega 3 fatty acids. (SIDE NOTE: How is something that contains the words mega, fatty + acid so good for you....hmmmm....a real mystery) Anyways, some of the best salmon I've ever had!
And, last but not least, a little purse I made recently. I have way too much beautiful fabric to let it just sit in my closet. Does anyone want to buy a cute hand bag? You can even buy a matching baby sling to go with it!


austinmcraig said...

That picture of Truman so worried is priceless. How do you catch those on camera so often?

Nancy said...

I was going to say the same thing as Austin, you guys really have the best pictures, and it's summer, yet you're wearing jeans and long sleeves! Where do you live anyway, not Phoenix where it's 112 degrees today! Sheesh. Some summer you're in, I say it doesn't even count. It's just like winter without snow and cold or something.

pam said...

Way to go, Walker! I am impressed with that huge fish. Why the earphones? Are we listening for the fish? I like the pink hat too and all the cute pictures. Good luck with your errant moles and bunnies.