Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Oath of Citizenship

For those of you who were unable to make it today, we are here in the Rose Wagner Theater in Salt Lake City, awaiting the induction of Pamela R. Craig, i.e. Mom, into U.S. Citizenship. I don't know how often they do this kind of thing, but they've filled the theater. There is a video called "Faces of America" they keep playing, with pictures of Ellis Island, American Flags, and various patriotic quotes from naturalized citizens, all accompanied by some rousing John Phillips Souza marching music.
They are sure taking their time. We've been waiting for the ceremony to start for almost an hour. They brought the flags out in a very nonchallant manner. Shouldn't they have had some Boy Scouts plant those flags in some orderly fashion? They were just brought out by some guy with a headset and keys jangling from his hip.
I guess there are some people missing, that's why they're taking so long.
Oh, they just took the flags back, I guess they will make that part of the ceremony.
This must be what parents feel like when their kids graduate. You almost want to point out you soon-to-be American to the people next to you. "Yup, that's her, right on the second row, on the far left. Yes, we are very proud." Hopefully nobody will blare an air horn like people did at my graduation.
There are some U.S. Marshalls standing in the wings. I don't think anything is going to happen where we would need their services. These people like America.
We were talking about what to do afterwards. We figured some kind of meal was in order. Maybe McDonalds (can't get much more American than that). But strangely I think we're more likely to end up at the International House of Pancakes.
I'll give a full rundown after the ceremony. Till then, for the Craig Family News Network, this is Austin Craig, reporting.


Unknown said...

Yahoo!! You did it Mom! It's done now. Now you're one of us. I always knew someday I wouldn't have an alien for a mom. I'm so proud of you. Wish I could have been there for the ceremony to point out my newest citizen, second row third from the left...fog horns and all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Pam!

Anonymous said...

American Idol, America's Got Talent, and American Bandstand called. They are anxiously awaiting your audition.