Thursday, June 7, 2007

Artemis: the Goddess of Hunting

My wife the archer...


Angela said...

Nice form Becky. And is that Bacchus behind you?

Nancy said...

Such a picturesque scene, looks fun.

Emily said...

Bacchus. Isn't that the god of the beer belly?

Emily said...

(Sorry to the Bagleys if that is someone in your family.)

Richard said...

The mighty being standing behind Becky is the God of Pernicious Knids.

No relation.

Emily said...

Is that kind of like the god of Vermicious Knids?

Becky said...

So you know, my adoring husband posted this pic of his compound bow savvy wife. It wasw much trickery than it looks and qui9te invigorating. I imagined myself as a character in the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Also, I never hit the target.

Richard said...

The Pernicious Knids are the mutant offspring of Vermicious Knids and Penguins.

They have more refined tastes than either of their parents – but don’t be deceived they’re deadly!

austinmcraig said...

Dionysus is the Deity with the beer-belly, the God of Wine and Revelry. That's what my roommate named his computer.

Emily said...

Bacchus=Roman god of wine and intoxication

Dionysis=Greek god of wine and intoxication

How did I know this? There is a nearby wine store called Bacchus. That, and Google. God bless google.