Monday, May 12, 2008

Treat Her Right

Mr. T did a motivational video in the 80's called Be Somebody or Be Somebody's Fool. There was one segment about respecting your mother. Ladies and gentlemen, in honor of Mother's Day (I know I'm late) I give you, Mr. T.


Nancy said...

that was too funny, I'm digging the outfits, especially Mr. T's shorts and the back up singers very motherly clothes. Mr. T. does his momma proud.

pam said...

Where on earth did you find that video! I used to love to watch The A Team, but I never remember Mr. T. wearing short shorts with all those gold chains on the show. But I love the sentement of the performance. Thanks!

Richard said...

This must have been recorded at the apex of his career.

How much time do you think it takes to put on that much gold each day? (heck...maybe he never takes it off?)