Friday, May 16, 2008

The locked cupboard

I'd like the Craig family input on this topic.

My siblings have been shooting email back-and-forth for the past day and I'd like to know how the Craig's feel...



Nancy said...

You guys are funny. I love that everyone chimes in and leaves essays on the subject! I'm going to comment here so no Bagleys get mad at me. So, I side with Becky. I think a locked cupboard is a bit much. What if they each kid had a spot in the pantry that was their snack food spot, then they might be less likely to eat it and more likely to save it for their lunches. (although it's summer and they soon won't need a school lunch.) Anyway put stuff you really want saved up in a cupboard or spot they don't know about, but is a lock really necessary? No. Take it from a girl who had a different lunch than the rest of her siblings (yes, I got diet pop and more veggies, less chips etc. because I was the chubby one). They'll find a way to sneak it anyway, I did, and I wanted it more because it was off limits. Your kids seem to be healthy to me, I've found snacks or no snacks my kids don't eat very much dinner anyway, unless I make something they really love. I liked your Dad's idea, a vending machine would be cool, and not make the kids feel like you're hiding something from them. Maybe you could find one on Craig's List. One of my friends who has a lot of candy etc. at her house has the philosophy that the more it's around, the less they eat. That would not have worked at teh Craig house! But what I really want to know is, when can Leisel do my hair?

pam said...

You guys must not have known about my secret stashes years ago because they never disappeared. I did reply to your email. Let us know what you decide or what works.

Katie Richardson said...

I say lock it up! Sometimes we all need a little help making good decisions. That's what Richard's mom did and I wouldn't say he's he?

austinmcraig said...

I'm with Katie.