Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thanks Richard

So I purchased myself some new vacuum bags at Target the other day and I noticed they were made by HONEYWELL. So I just wanted to say "Thanks Richard! Thanks for making my carpet free of dirt and cereal crumbs. I really owe you one brother." Oh, and I also stumbled on an image of some of your latest work there at Honeywell. This computer looks so aero-dynamic which is a definite must in the kitchen. And red is such a hot color right now. Was that your idea? Genius!


Anonymous said...

"Thanks dad" you have a good job.

Richard said...

Just doing what I can to make the world a better place for housewives and househusbands everywhere...


I like how that contraption (whatever it does) takes up half the kitchen!


pam said...

I am with you on the size of the contraption. Let's hope it manages the whole house.