Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Watching an Airbus A340 Take Off

We live not too far from the San Jose airport and often we take the back way home and come around this fence along the main runway of the airport. People here like to stop and watch and there are always quite a few cars stopped along this fence.
This time the huge Airbus A340 (Did I get the number right, Richard?) was just taking off. This is an Iberia Airlines plane and often we see it parked there next to the terminal. Must be a lot of tourists from Spain to bring this many passengers on a regular basis.
We stopped right next to the fence at the end of the runway. The plane came right toward us.
It started to turn around to get ready to take off in the other direction. It was raining so the runway was quite wet.
Laurie said he didn't want to be right behind the plane when it took off. Good thing he was smart enough to move the car foreward a little.
There were people standing along the fence who didn't move before the plane took off.
I think this would be considered a security risk near an airport at home. But here nobody seems to care if people get this close to watch.
The plane really kicked up a big fuss and a lot of water off the runway when it stared it's take off. All the people along the fence got wet and lost their hats. Fortunately we were inside the car and a little bit foreward. But it was all fun to watch.
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