Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Birds in Carara National Park

Carara National Park is not too far from here. It is on the way to Manuel Antonion Park and not too far from the beach town of Jaco. We had a little excursion there yesterday with all the senior missionaries and the temple presidency.
This park is known for the Scarlet Macaws in the wild. They hang out here in the trees of the park during the day and take off for other parts at sunset.
This photo was taken through the guide's telescope. We probably never would have found where the Macaws were if we had not had the guide.
The guide took us off the beaten path. In fact we went a couple of places where there were signs specifically telling one not to go off the path. But that is how he found where the Macaws were that day.
We saw some of these birds at ZooAve but have never seen them out in the wild before.
These birds were interesting but not what you would call pretty. They were in a kind of marshy area that is a U shaped lake that used to be part of a river. I guess I should have written down what kind of bird they are, but I didn't and don't remember.
This is a bird that the guide was really excited about seeing. It is a type of vulture but is white on the underside so is not the usual vultures we have seen around here.
This one was taken through the telescope of the guide so is a little sharper.
He said he has been taking groups through this park for 13 years and hadn't seen one of these birds for 3 years. Glad it sat still long enough for a few pictures.
This is another little bird we saw through his telescope. It is a relative of the quetzal, but quite a bit smaller.
Another pretty little bird through the telescope of the guide. Most of these birds we saw, we wouldn't have seen without the guide. I think he could recognize the sound of each bird so knew where to look for them. We were always amazed when he found them but he says he has been doing it for years.
More of the black birds in the marshy area. We were really lucky to have had such a nice sunny day yesterday. Today it is raining hard here and the guide said it rained there Sunday quite a bit. We had to treck through some muddy areas of the trail we followed. But fortunately shoes are washable and I was happy to have my trecking pole!
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