Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4 in Costa Rica

We had the early shift at the Temple this morning and there were about 20 elders and sisters from the Limon area close to the Carribbean coast there for the 11:00 am. session.
So guess how many missionaries Laurie invited over to eat! I suppose he didn't want anybody to miss out on a July 4 celebration and feast. We probably could even have had some fireworks as it isn't too dry here. In fact it was raining hard when they came over from the Temple and they were all wet. But unfortunately we didn't have any fireworks so had to go without! But they are all smiling.
Most were elders, just 2 hermanas.
Elder Statham, the Zone Leader used to be in the Belen ward here and had eaten at our place several times. He helped shred up the chicken. He is from Utah Valley someplace.
Laurie dumping salsa into the bowl. He bought some chips too, and of course we had the fruit flavored sugar free drinks. They seemed to like that. Notice the new bug zapper on top of the book case. We like to leave the front door open and no screen door like in the back and so have had a few mosquitos. The zapper really seems to work well.
I hurried home and fried up some onions, peppers and left over vegetables to make Gallo Pinto, the national dish of Costa Rica.
This is the gallo pinto. Fortunately I had several cans of black beans so added them, the rice and seasonings to the vegetables. I cooked a bunch of rice and used half in the Gallo Pinto and the other half to make some rice pudding to eat with the store bought cookies for dessert. I didn't have any home made cookies in the freezer. If I had had some, we would have eaten them all anyways so better to keep store bought on hand! They seem to last longer around here so come in handy on a day like today.
Glad we had some watermelon so we really knew it was July 4.
And some fresh pineapple.
Laurie ran over to the Mas X Menos and bought 4 pollos asados. They shredded them up to eat in the tortillas--luckily had about 4 dozen in the freezer. This is what was left of the chicken-- a bunch of bones and an empty salsa bottle.
For dessert they got store bought cookies, but nobody complained and they ate them all. Hope you all had a Happy Independence Day!
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Angela said...

Glad you were able to have a good 4th celebration!

pam said...

Angela, Laurie got his card from you. Such a cute idea! Thankyou for sending it. Thank Jane for the hands!

Becky said...

You are so good at taking care of people! Glad you had a memorable fourth ;-)