Thursday, April 15, 2010

it's been a while

Emily just emailed and asked me to post a picture of Sterling. about 7 pictures of Sterling! I have been posting to my other can see it here.

Sterling is a big ball of energy. He's been a cuddly boy from day one and I never get tired of his tight squeeze hugs!

He is at that fun age where he's just starting to talk. He even blesses the food in his baby gibberish. His inflections are just right!

Walker is especially fond of Sterling and always makes sure to remind me if he needs a nap, is hungry, or just wants to play outside with the BIG boys.

We have been enjoying some sunny days at the park. It's still in the mid 60's but that's skirt and flip flop weather here.

The Easter Bunny brought lots of seeds for the garden, some new spring clothes and yes...CANDY! I somehow have my children fooled that mom does not like candy. I will just let them keep believing that. (Can you tell that Walker is yawning through his nose in the picture?)

We love Trader Joes Yogurt. We like to dip fresh fruit in it for desert. (Another reason my kids think I don't like sweets)

 There was a time in my life that the idea of taking 3 little kids to the zoo would have been my biggest nightmare. Either I've learned a lot, or my standards have significantly slipped, because we had a great time yesterday. And even though we saw almost all of their restrooms, we still got to see most of the animals.

Also, Puj has some BIG publicity coming up. We got a phone call from someone who said they want to feature the Puj Tub on their TV show. Well, it's only the 2nd largest daytime TV show, but who's counting really! (dang that Oprah, always has to be #1)

Set your DVR for May 7th!!!!


Nancy said...

Kate, we miss you guys and can't wait for July. Love all the pics of the boys and you and Ben. I'm so glad you started your own blog. And can't wait for May, you know I love Ellen!

Emily said...

Oh, I love these boys! Thanks for the pictures, and I'm so excited for you and your business that's going to make a billion dollars!

Angela said...

Sterling is so big! Thanks for posting the pictures and congrats on going on Ellen! Nancy, you better save it for those of us who don't have a DVR.

pam said...

What a smart Easter Bunny to bring garden seeds and new clothes along with the candy. I wish someone could convince me that I didn't like sweets. Love the pictures and congratulations on the national publicity.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news about your TV deal coming up! Amye G