Monday, April 26, 2010

Acting Resume

I'm an actor. I can prove it. I have the headshots and resume. See:

Who could have seen that one coming? Certainly not me.

I promise I won't go the way of some other (former) LDS actors.


Becky said...

You are good at acting! Especially acting impassioned! Also, I'm happy to know you have every intention of keeping your pants on while you work. That is good. Nice head shot.

Angela said...

I, too, appreciate your intentions to remain a good boy. We like it that way best.

Nancy said...

Aus I like the picture, very nice and I like that you're very good at talking like you know what you're talking about and that your weight varies by 10 lbs. I think my weight chart would read something like:
100-300 lbs.

Nancy said...

btw you could add Amy Adams, Katherine Heigel, Keri Russell, and more I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Great resume and photos, Austin! I'm impressed. But then, I've always been impressed by you. Amye G

pam said...

I like the way Ayme tries to be annonymous and then always signs her name. I have always been impressed with you too.