Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stephen caught in a moment of deception


pam said...

Cute Steve and Norah. What do the other members of the family have to say about the name? Do grandmothers get to vote?

austinmcraig said...

I can't understand the second speaker. Can we have a transcript of the conversation? Also, I'm not sure I understand the deception.

Emily said...

Norah: "I'm going call the baby 'Bruddah.'"

Steve, in fact, does not like the name Oliver, but thinks I will end up not liking any name he suggests, so he said he wanted Oliver (lie) and I got it on camera for the record.

Pam, we welcome any grandparently input. What names do you like?

Nancy said...

I actually quite like Oliver and think it would fit in just great, but I never believe you guys until you actually name the kid, seems like you always keep the real name top secret.