Sunday, August 9, 2009

Outta State Friends: You Don't Miss This

Last night I printed out a couple of papers from my computer. I picked up the two sheets and was reading my document. Done with page one, turn to page two. . . and WHOA!!! There's a piece of scorpion pincher arm sitting right in the middle of my page. Hurl paper and pincher arm to the floor in terror. Gather my thoughts and nod my head agreeing with the truth that has just entered my mind. Where there are pincher arms, there are nasty bodies and worse, nasty tails. Cringe.

So we get the black light flash light, turn off all overhead lights and examine my printer. Yep, there's the rest of that nasty creature, stuck in my printer gears. We cut its tail off with some scissors and then extracted the rest of him.

Why do these creatures exist? Just so I can better understand the nature of evil. I don't like evil one bit.


Angela said...

Yikes! I'm glad you came out unscathed.

pam said...

As Angela well knows, those little critters can be deadly. I have also often wondered what their purpose was. Keep your black light handy. I guess you will never know where one will be. One good thing about Utah is, very few scorpions.