Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday magic


Mandy said...

Wow. You are quite the mom Kate, Where did you learn your tricks?

Nancy said...

Dallas says, "Wow!" Hallie says, "Can we do that mom?" We loved the show and can't wait for the next episode. Maybe you'll have a whole sleu of tricks for next year's family reunion. Love you guys, too cute!

pam said...

I had been wondering where Sterling was this whole time. Glad you mentioned him at the end. Enjoyed the whole magic show. You guys are all great.

austinmcraig said...

That was a brilliant, fascinating, and wildy entertaining video and way to spend a saturday afternoon! Whose Idea was it?

Becky said...

The Best Trick of all was getting Stirling to take a good nap! Loved all the tricks!! So glad you taped them. We miss those cute boys of yours (and their darling magical mother, too).