Thursday, May 21, 2009


I mentioned the other day to my friend that since I've had kids my memory is shot. (I grew up hearing this from my mother as well.) And Katie and I were discussing record keeping the other day. I was lamenting that I record things less now than I did when I only had a few kids. So I'm taking a moment to record a sweet little something that Sophie said the other day. I want to remember it.

She was standing next to a camera tripod yesterday and kept saying,
"Mom, I can't find my cheeser, I can't find my cheeser."

I am not following her at all.

Then she smiles and says, "CHEESE!"

And I instantly realize she's been calling a camera a "cheeser."
Don't you love the way kids think?


Angela said...

Sophie is a very funny little girl. I decided in one of the pictures Nancy posted of Charlie that he looks like Sophie too.

Courtney said...

That third picture reminds me a lot of pics of you (becky) as a little girl but with brown hair.

pam said...

Sophie looks great on her bear rug!

austinmcraig said...

Sophie has a bear rug?