Ben was able to bless Sterling over the break and was lucky to have each of his brothers in the circle. As you can see, when it came to holding the baby in the circle they were happy to have so many hands to hold this kid up. He really is growing fast. Can you believe how much he's changed mom!
We also took some pictures of the whole family. As you can see, it's my kid who is making faces in the picture with grandma (Marilyn's mom)
The picture on the bike is our Puj Tub delivery rigg job. Ben and I wanted to ride our bikes to the UPS store and so we strapped the Tubs onto the bike trailer. It was a fun outing.
I hope you're all well, and I expect to see some pictures of the pies and mashed potatoes.

maybe you could send Sterling UPS to me for a little while. I think he kinda looks a little more like he might belong to me anyway. Can you inherit a double chin from your uncle?
Stirling!!!! YOU are so stinking cute I can hardly breathe! With that much baby to him, he's gotta be a true cuddler. Boy am I excited for him to meet the cousin I'm growing him (especially since when they meet will be a time when he is outside of the oven, so to speak).
He's so big! Kate, we're going to have to come see you sometime before he hits 30lbs.
Aren't you glad you were able to have him a little early! What if you had had to go full term before birth? He looks so cute though and we're glad he is so healthy. Glad all Ben's brothers were there with you. Jason and Andrea stopped by here on the way. It was good to see them. They seem happy with their life in Spain. Did you show Andrea how to do a blog? I like your delivery system.
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