Thursday, December 6, 2007

Finally! The Photos!

Hello Family Dearests,

I just received the pictures from Andrew. I present you with some of the best shots captured of each family. And in no particular order.

All 200+ pictures from Andrew's and Richard's cameras are posted to our Picasa web gallery at:


Nancy said...

I love Austin's family picture the most! Looks like we didn't make it into the family? What you're all too cool for us? We're too unattractive for you? You're saving ours for it's very own post? What's the deal people?

Nancy said...

um, I have my eyes closed in the big family photo, hopefully this isn't going up somewhere, Katie, can you help me?

Emily said...

My blue sweater sticks out. I thought blue was supposed to be part of the color scheme?? Did I misunderstand?

Nancy said...

I only heard brown and green, but I don't think it matters.

Becky said...

There's lots of family photos to choose from. I'm sure there's plenty with your eyes open.

Emily I love your blue sweater! You look beautimus.

pam said...

The pictures you posted look great, but I couldn't connect to the web sight to see the rest. I just clicked onto the address you showed and it wouldn't go there. Any suggestions?

Becky said...

mom, try copying and pasting it into the address bar. that should do the trick.

Anonymous said...

Dear Family,

Mom and I can not get the photos to download on to her computer. Becky please send a detailed set of instructions to use so we can down load the pictures from Thanksgiving.
Remember Mom and I are not that good when it comes to the computer. thank you

Love maggie and genia

shel7by said...

Cute family, Steve. Love the photos!

Dawn said...

You guys all look great! It was so fun to see the pictures of your whole family. It's been way too long since I've seen most of you and Nancy I don't get to see enough of you even though we live in the same state. Your kids are all adorable. I can't believe how grown up they are. Merry Christmas to all!!