Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I need your help. It's Wednesday afternoon and I have 2 very energetic boys that I don't know what to do with! We've already ridden our bikes at the park (yes Nancy, it's really cold outside) watched Nemo, swept the kitchen floor, vacuumed, played trains, playdough, painted.... you know the list. I don't know what to do with them these days. Walker stopped taking his nap at the same time that Truman became a one napper. NOW I have a lot more time with the boys and a lot less FREE time. I think I am slowly becoming insane. We can only ride our bikes in the almost freezing temperature for so long. It's not like I have two girls that I can sit and play dolls with or play dress up. These guys like to run around, wrestle, go elk hunting, fishing, and Walker on several ocassions has informed me he'd rather be outside in the cold than couped up in the house. Not this girl son! I like to be inside where it's nice and toasty! With a wheat pillow in my lap, some marino wool socks and a pipping hot cup of cider.

I think it's mostly this guy that makes life so "exciting" these days:

What we need is a kid-sized gerble wheel. Maybe that will be the next Puj invention!


Becky said...
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Becky said...

I am diggin the kidster wheel! Awesome idea. Maybe you could roast marshmellows in your fireplace? Then you could stay warm and boys would love it? Truman is too young, I know. We used to read A LOT of stories! Fairy Tales and Tall Tales are favorites cause you get to do fun voices. Also, those old school "marble runs" are great for toddlers.

pam said...

Katie, you are trying too hard for the mother of the year award. You'll have to start letting them watch a little TV so you can catch your breath.

brittany said...

ha ha katie, i love your picture you took. i guess lily will just have to move back to play with walker :) and then stella and truman could play too. you are a nice mom to take them bike riding in the freezing!

Katie Richardson said...

Oh mom, we gave up on that "no tv" thing a long time ago. They get plenty of tv during the day. And the mother of the year award? There is an organization that does do that. I went to a banquet last year because Todd's sister won one year for Oregon and now helps out. And yes, Marilyn received an award for Wash state as well. My sister-in-law Julie and I noticed that most of the mothers had served a church mission, given birth to 10+kids that they homeschool, and have taken in 7 foster kids. Are these people crazy? (the answer is YES!)

Nancy said...

I agree with mom, turn on the TV, Ben doesn't like that one though. And yes, get a playgroup, or switch babysitting with someone so he gets some interaction with friends.

austinmcraig said...

Playdates. That should be fun, right?