Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Girls Go Greek

I am reposting this here. . .forgive me if you already saw it on Becky's Blog.  I just really love their crazy results!  We had so much fun with this :) Tell me which one is your favorite!

So Sunday afternoon Luna and StarGirl reminded me they had a "big project" due the next morning all about the Greek Gods.  It was a big project, but they had a plan, and their teacher had told them they could work together as a team to make things simpler.  They had talked about making a movie with their friends or videoing a commercial, but in the end they chose to each dress up like six of the gods (that would be 12 total) and make a powerpoint with some picniked up photos.  They wanted to know if I would be their photographer.

I looked at the clock.  It was a little after one and we had dinner at Grandma's at 5:00.  That left four hours.  So I felt that with those time constraints a little lecture was warranted.  It went something like this:  Yes, I will take your pictures.  But, you should know, that creativity is much like a gas. . . it will take up as much space as you give it.  And you guys have a limited time this afternoon.  Since you tend to get really caught up in the creative process on picnik, you'll really have to pace yourself.  So what I'm saying in a nutshell is don't go overboard.

Three hours later I was done taking their pictures.
Ummmmmm. . . sounds like mom could use a lecture.

But aren't the results fantastic?


Nancy said...

oh man, those are funny. It's weird to see them looking so old in some of those, did they get contacts or are they just xans glasses? Good job Greek Girls!

Maddie Bagley said...

Thanks! Yah I got contacts!

Nancy said...

Oh my goodness. I just clicked here from "next blog" and I must say, "CLEVER!!!" I loved it. I generally hate any and all school projects my kids ever have to do, but now I almost want them to have to do one on the Greek Gods. Very nice!

alex said...

wow.. so funny pictures.. love it.. so in character huh.. nice blog..
keep sharing..

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Jamie said...

Wow!! =D That is SO COOL! I'm going to have to try something like that soon! :)
I found this blog by clicking "next blog" too... :)

Unknown said...

amazing picture you had posted
i like it.
each picture is in different pose.
its interesting and also funny

Hadame said...
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Hadame said...

wheres the hercules..??? :lol