Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I want this bad

And I'm perfect for it.

Quinn Cutler sent me a link on Facebook for a competition he thought I should enter. Logitech is looking for a host to move to L.A., San Francisco, or New York to host parties and show off their newest technology. Listen to the qualifications and they're looking for.

Logitech will be screening applicants based on the following skills to help Logitech introduce Logitech Revue with Google TV™: (1) the ability to coordinate and host multiple media events; (2) the ability to create and update audio, text and/or video for blog and social media posts; (3) active user of prominent social media networking platforms and tools (such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube); (4) strong interest in technology with high enthusiasm for innovative and new consumer electronics; and (5) not required, but a plus to have a background in event planning, social media, marketing, public relations, communications or journalism. Logitech may also consider social networking participation, including size of social contacts and quality of social connections and/or engagements.

GET REAL! I was MADE for this gig! Man oh man oh man oh man I hope I get it. I'd be down with any of those pads.

They pay for you to live there, and show off their new toys, and talk about it on social media, specifically facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

I'M SO PERFECT FOR THIS. I really need to nail that application. Open to any help from the family.


Nancy said...

That doesn't sound like you at all. I say you make a funny video of you doing all of that, kind of like in Mary Poppins when they read the kids add for a Nanny and Mary Poppins fits the bill so "practically perfect in every way"

pam said...

Go! Austin!!!