Monday, January 25, 2010

and I said, "YES!"

Do you remember the days when young men worked at the grocery store and helped old ladies out to their car. Well I remember watching these young men as a little girl bag the groceries and help people load them into their car. These days you don't see that very often. I shop at a grocery store that has AMAZING prices on food. Frequently my bill is $20 less than what I was expecting. But part of how they have such low prices is you have to bag your own groceries and load them into your car by yourself. This doesn't sound like such a big deal when you're shopping alone. But lets say for example a young mother does her grocery shopping with 3 little boys ages 5 and under.

Hypothetically speaking this is totally insane!

One day this young mother is at her favorite store, Trader Joes! As she is checking out the cashier asks, "Would you like some help out?"

What? Do I.....I mean, does THIS young mother look like she can't handle two bags of groceries while carrying her one year old and trying to keep the other two boys from getting run over? Well, of course she said, "No thank you." And proceeded to carry her two bags with baby in arms and head for the car. Now normally I have to admitt, this mother can carry it all to the car, but she had failed to remember how intense her weight-lifting class was that morning, and her arms had already reached their max. So when she was half way there, but fully committed mind you, she started to realize, "I'm not going to make it....I'm not going to make it!" So she picked up the pace, told Truman to pick up the pace, and with the help her lower abdomen and thighs she made it JUST BARELY and thought "You know, what's so wrong with letting someone help you out to the car? This whole thing would have been much easier and no one would have called you a whimp."

And so, on my next trip to Trader Joes when the cashier asked if I would like help out to my car I said, "YES!" for the first time ever. IT WAS AMAZING! The young woman pushed the cart out to the car. She loaded the groceries into the trunk while I buckled the boys into the car and then SHE returned the cart. It just makes so much sense!

I now love Trader Joes infinitely more. Who knew that was possible!
And in other news, check out the Puj Tub for sale at some of my favorite stores:

And many other retailers!


Courtney said...

Congrats Katie - how exciting to find a product you invented at your favorite stores! Mandy and I already decided that Taylor (Craig's wife) needs one for city life in NYC.

Nancy said...

I always say no too, but good for you, maybe I'll try it, at Harmons you can even drive up and they will load the groceries for you, pretty cool, cute pics!

Nancy said...

those are still just online right?

pam said...

Glad the Trader Joe's people were so helpful. It is so nice to have help when you really need it. I usually say no too, but now I am officially old it would probably be OK to accept the offer of help.

austinmcraig said...

WooHoo, way to expand to online retailers, that's huge! And don't feel bad about getting grocery help, you've got boys to wrangle, that's enough of a job.

Angela said...

I just took Jane to the grocery store for the first time last week, and the bagger asked me if I needed help out, and I said "no". As soon as I said it I though, maybe I should have said yes? Then when I get home I discover I'm missing something. I'm pretty sure it fell out because I had somethings on the bottom of the cart so I could fit Jane in the cart. Should have said yes!

Emily said...

I believe in saying YES everytime they ask! No guilt whatsoever. I'm proud of you for getting your tub in so many great retailers!