Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Only Nice Guys Sing Christmas Classics

**Christmas music is playing on Pandora and a classic carol came on.**

Jacob: Mom, who is singing this?

Me: I'm not sure honey, but it sounds like a country singer. . . . I'm gonna guess its Randy Travis.

Sophie, from across the room: (emphatically) MOM! This is not Travis. . . . This is a nice guy.

Ho ho ho and he he he!


Nancy said...

So another burn on Travis, Sophie he's nice I promise! P.S. I'm not showing him this post, I think it gives him a complex.

Becky said...

Oh, I'm sorry, Nancy! That was short sighted of me, for reals I mean that. I get a kick out of her unfounded fears (mainly because her eyes get so wide when she discusses him) but didn't realize he didn't get a kick out of them, too. Sometimes I'm dumb, I know.

pam said...

We're glad she made up with Travis and decided he was worth a big hug.