Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Remind Me

I was thinking the other day about how I like scary movies and haunted houses and Halloween in general. I wondered why. I mean, fear is an unpleasant sensation, so why did I take a Horror Film class?

I decided I like these things because they're an opportunity to face irrational fears head-on. And I think part of the reason I want to do that is because I was so often scared when I was a kid.

So my question is this: Was I scared a lot as a kid? Did I seem like a particularly frightened little boy?

Just curious. Happy Halloween. If you need me, I'll be watching Poltergeist or checking out the local haunted houses.


Nancy said...

you were scared a lot because your older brothers and sisters used to shut you in a dark room and talk like ghosts into the intercom, also you watched a lot of ghostbusters as a kids. So there you have it, we just hope you don't like dressing up in women's clothes since we also used to dress you and the neighbor boys up as girls!

austinmcraig said...

Ya, that's what I was getting at, the stuff with scaring me as a kid, not the dressing me up as a girl. You can rest assured I'll continue to wear mens' clothes exclusively.

pam said...

I hadn't heard the part about the older kids scaring you as a child. But I remember you were preoccupied with ghosts and talked about them a lot and thus scared the other kids in the nursery at church. You had them convinced there were ghost and other scary creatures in the air vents.

austinmcraig said...

You now know who to blame. I was just repeating what the "ghosts" had told me.

Steve said...

I think it's largely my fault. I think I used to jump out at you as you came around the corner. And I particularly remember this little flashlight projector that made an image on the wall, and I would take you in the closet and project the image, and then one of the other conspirators would talk like a ghost. And you would tell everyone that there were "ghosteses in the closet." Sorry. I hope we're still friends.