Monday, July 27, 2009


This is the commercial we shot for the tongue brush I mentioned at the family reunion. I'll be honest...I'm a little embarrassed of it, but hey, they were paying.

It mentions an "Uncle Steve", that was just in the script, it has NO reference to anybody in the family.



Emily said...

Austin, you are great in this! And I'm off to get my free orabrush to stick in Uncle Steve's stocking (because I remember you saying that YOU wrote the script!).

Good job!

Courtney said...

very impressive! lol about uncle steve

austinmcraig said...

I didn't write the script, I wrote a treatment, then another guy wrote the script. My general idea, his words.

Nancy said...

Why are you embarrassed? I think it's really good, you should be proud! Very funny.