Thursday, March 5, 2009

After My Own Heart

It was three o'clock. Time for the kids to come home from school.
Maddie showed up first and walked into the family room where I sat folding laundry.

Hi, Maddie! How was your day?

"Shhhhhhhh," she whispered. "I'm not here."

At first I assumed she was hiding from a sibling close on her tail.
But, no. She just plopped down on the couch, feet up and started reading.

I'm a bit perplexed. "Where are you then?"

She did not look up from her book and kept her whispered tone, "England." (She was reading the last chapter of a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone).

Ahhhhh, books.


pam said...

There are many times when we would all like to be in England.

Savanna said...

if maddie's in England can i go to China????? actually England's ok, how much for the plane ticket???????

Maddie Bagley said...

why is it called after my own heart??????????????? harry potter rules!!!