You reap what you sew. That's what Dad always said. Well, this week we have been "reaping" corn and lots of it. We've had it for lunch and dinner for most meals. I have yet to discover how to work it into breakfast. Zucchini on the other hand is easy to work into any meal. I have even been going so far as to leave BIG zucchini's on my neighbors doorstep. And she was so kind as to bring us some zucchini bread the next day! Now if I could just figure out how to "reap" this baby in my tummy I'd be a happy camper. Actually, I am being induced on Wednesday if he doesn't come before then. So I don't have much to complain about. We are excited to be adding another boy to the family!
Well, wish us luck on Wednesday!
Kate, I'm jealous of your garden, I hope to have one next year when I leave the Telestial world! Ha! It's too hot here, that is my excuse, Becky still makes it work somehow. I'm excited for you, and hope all goes well on Wednesday, I really wish I could come and be there with you and mom to help. So cute of Walker to leave a snack, kind of like Santa is coming. We had a fun dinner with Jason and Andrea, such a cute couple.
Corn works well in egg casaroles in the morning.
Thanks, Walker, you are so thoughtful. I am excited about coming to spend some time with you and will be happy if you will take care of the food preparation while I am there. Also for you mother, the other day I cut the kernals off left over corn on the cob and put it in our omelet. It was excepcionally delicious. See you soon.
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