I made it back safe and sound! I really did enjoy my trip to NY. It was a great experience to talk to buyers and hear their comments and questions directly (& place orders of course!). AND I also loved walking around the show just to see what is the latest and greatest. If you ask me, Puj IS the latest and greatest! I made some good contacts and talked to some press. I knew I had to be assertive so I did just that and any time I saw someone with a PRESS badge on I grabbed them and pulled them into the booth to look at Puj. I talked with Real Simple, Martha Stewart (no, not Martha herself) Home and Garden, Cottage Home, Times, and some other publications. Free press on our new products would be very valuable to us right now. So we will see. They seemed very interested and took notes and pictures...here's hoping!
I did have a little bit of time to see some of the city. I got caught in the rain one night and ended up soaked from my knees down, water gushing out of my shoes! I also became quite the master at the subway system. Nancy, you would have been quite impressed! I also met up with cousin Helen. She took me to a cafe in Queens where she was playing guitar and singing. Just a small gig, but super fun none the less. We did also go see Amy Stevens quickly. She was really busy working for a fashion designer. It was fashion week while I was there! On Sunday I went and had dinner with a friend from BYU. His name is Aaron. He's living in NY and recently got engaged. His finance made a nice meal and it was good to see him doing so well.
I did also go to the top of the Empire state Building. Very touristy and fun. It was quite cold and windy up top!
I did lots of shopping at night but never bought anything...can you believe it? I did buy a souvenir for the boys. I figured since I'd been to the BIG city that I would bring them a BIG cookie! I think they enjoyed it.
It was a great trip and a very educational experience. Wish you all could have been there!
Was this you first foray into the big city?
It is quite the place.
I wish Becky & I had taken more advantage of it when we were so close.
(on Becky's computer)
katie, i love all the pictures you took! your stuff looked awesome at the show. i can't wait to hear all about it.
Looks like it was great. Glad you had fun, and got to see Helen. We missed you at the bead show today, but it looks like you were doing more productive things.
Katie, wish we could have shared the N.Y. experience with you. It would have been such great fun. But we have had a kind of Broadway Experience in that Nancy and I went to L.A. and went to Wicked with Lizzy, Linda, and Stephanie. It was great. Then today, the bead show, lots of fun. Missed you. This is on Becky's computer but this is your loving mother speaking
How cool is that?!! So glad you mastered NYC. They're gonna love ya! You look beautiful and your products are hip and innovative (much like their creators). We missed you in Tucson.
Becky, really it is me ;)
that looks like such a fun trip Kate, of course it would have been more fun had I been there with you! I love the pic of Walker with the big cookie, can't believe you didn't buy anything, you're so disciplined! You must not have found anything worth a 10.
I am jealous. I really want to go to the east coast. Glad you had such an adventure!
Hi, this is Jesse Knight's Aunt Jody from Wilsonville, Or. I love your baby product and would like to know more about it. I have a new grandaughter that just might like to ride in one. My email is jodywalunas@hotmail.com Thanks
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