Monday, June 4, 2012

Rincon de la Vieja

It almost looked like someone had built a wall around the big rock, but it is just one of the roots of this tree.
This is the remnants of a big tree that was over run with large vines. Eventually, the vines kill the tree and so you see the lacy effect of the previously supporting tree gone and only the vines left.
There were quite a few different kinds of mushrooms growing on felled logs or just on the forest floor.
These are lacy mushrooms growing on a log.
The red earth is a huge ant hill. You can see lots of pieces of leaf in the lower right that the ants will eventually carry down into the hill. I don't think they eat the leaves, but rather line the nests for laying their eggs.
These are the leaf cutter ants carrying their pieces of leaf to their hill.
These are pieces of leaf that the leaf cutter ants have cut and let drop to the groung around the tree. They must have liked this particular type of leaf as they had dropped down a lot of them for future carrying away.
This is a close up of some tender leaves that the ants liked and cut a lot of.
Another type of mushroom on a downed log.
Lacy little mushrooms on a log.
Bromiliads. These must like the heat because they were growing near one of the steam vents.
The center fronds looked like they were spray painted this bright orange/red color.
This looked like some type of fruit that fell from the tree above. At first it was round and green. Now it is starting to open.
The above fruit fully opened with seeds in the center.
A different kind of mushroom growing on a log.
Another lacy but large vine with the supporting tree gone.
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Angela said...

Interesting pictures Mom. I think all those ants would have made me nervous. Do they bite?

pam said...

I have had a mosquito bite or two but no ant bites. They seem to be preoccupied with moving their leaf cuttings and don't pay attention to people.