Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Primary Talent Show was last weekend. You can guess who I thought stole the show with the last performance. It was a SuperHero Comedy Routine. The best part was when Sam started in on his very first joke. It went like this:

Sam: "What is a SuperHero's favorite drink?"

And then, right when he is about to give his line, Sophie takes over and gives it for him, complete with her fist striking the air.
Sophie (with 3 year old enthusiasm): "Fruit Punch!"

I wish I had thought to video the whole thing, but I was too busy coaching the lines. Sam was a pro and when Sophie forgot her lines, he helped her out.

Q: How did Wonder Woman convince Superman to marry her?
A: (swinging her lasso) She roped him into it!

(mom made that one up, folks. There are no clean Wonderwoman jokes on the internet).
All the numbers were great and each kid did a great job! Thanks to my sweet Primary Presidency for putting it all together.


Nancy said...

that's adorable. I wish you had a video, did anyone else video it?

pam said...

I always love Sam's jokes. And cute Sophie makes it even better. Way to go Mom for the cute idea, great jokes, and coaching.

Sarah said...

cute AND talented!

Angela said...

I'm with Nancy, you should see if anyone else in the ward made a video. Adorable. :)

austinmcraig said...

Brilliance and good looks run in the family. VIDEO next time!